How Heartfelt Community Came To Be

Ginger Peer Spencer - Founder and president of Heartfelt Community

It was 2008 in Kampala, Uganda. I never felt “qualified” to serve in Africa though it has been my dream since I was 11 years old. I found myself at an AIDS clinic shocked at a sea of faces. I was a brand new massage therapist and was sure it was doctors and teachers that were needed, not massage therapists. I noticed an alternative health clinic with an array of different therapies. It was then that I had my aha moment! “That’s what I can do, I can touch people!” What an obvious revelation.  I considered the faces who may not receive even the slightest of touch due to their illness. Would anyone WANT to touch them, maybe they don’t want to CATCH whatever they have or maybe now they think differently of them and have shamed or discarded them. It was then that I decided that I would be the one to serve those who have a lack of healthy touch in their lives. So, I came home and started researching who these people may be in my community and quickly realized that due to many factors, our elders are our most touch deprived group of people in our country. I’ve found my calling!

Fast forward to May of 2021, a friend asked me about my business and why I started my massage studio back in 2012. I told her I started my business so that I could go in homes, hospice, skilled nursing, and the hospital, going to people who can’t come to me due to later life stages and that I had been professionally trained to do so. She asked me if I was doing that and I stopped, looked at the floor and said, “No.” The majority of my work was in my studio side by side with five other massage therapists.

While I would go out into the community if hired, my clients were few. I had knocked on many doors and they all just seemed to close time after time. I shared my vision with many people over the years but nothing seemed to stick. I also felt discouraged because while I was fortunate enough to be hired here and there by someone with the resources to serve someone they love, I constantly looked around at the sea of faces who also needed a healthy touch. For years I have been trying to figure out how to serve these people who may not have money, let alone family. These are the people I want to serve. Finally, my friend had caught my vision and asked why I was not walking that vision out. I had no answer but quickly started asking around as to how to start a non-profit. I spoke with a gentleman who told me how, and long story short, by November 29th, 2021 I had my first official board meeting and we were designated by March of 2022. My dream has become a reality!

Heartfelt Community was a seed planted in Africa in 2008 and over 15 years later is finally bearing fruit.

Ginger Has Been Featured In

Authority Magazine

Women In Wellness: Ginger Peer-Spencer of Heart Felt Touch Massage Therapy On The Five Lifestyle Tweaks That Will Help Support People’s Journey Towards Better Wellbeing

Williamsburg's Next Door Neighbors

Fostering Healing in the January 2022 edition, page 28

Sisters of the Verge

Heartfelt Conversation with Ginger Peer-Spencer